A Life without Time
The clock ticks, but the minutes have no meaning. They increment past, a noisy blur. They’re tracked, but not relevant.
A pandemic has shrunk our world. In our house, we’re living pretty disconnected. We work, attend school, and do other things all in the same place. Outside of Zoom, time ceases to matter.
We live our days in a blur. Was it yesterday or last week that we ate that? Does it really matter? Without the traditional ties to time, our rhythms settle to our whims, syncopated only to day and night.
If effect, we are waiting. Like a dog at the door, we sit, lay, and shift nearby, anxiously awaiting for it to open again. But, perhaps, we don’t need to stand by the door. There are other rooms - other places - in which we can see the world or even make our own inside. And maybe that is what we can learn during this time.